Services provided


Services are offered throughout

Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia


Radon Testing

A continous radon monitor test is offered at $150. These tests will give a detailed report including hourly readings, barometric pressure, temperature, and any evidence of tampering. The monitors are set by all NRPP guidelines to give the truest and non-bias results.


Radon Mitigation

Radon mitigations vary accordingly to homes and the work required. Average basement mitigations range from $1200-$1600. Crawlspace mitigations are priced according to square footage and the condition of crawlspace. All work is performed up to NRPP guidelines with a retest after completion to ensure proper abatement of radon


Vapor Barrier/Crawlspace Services

We also proudly offer vapor barrier and crawlspace services. All vapor barrier installations include a heavy duty plastic with all areas being properly sealed. Pricing varies according to crawlspace and what prep work is needed.